


prasanth sanjanaProducer D.K.Ramakrishna's new film 'Maharshi' by debutant director Krishna Brahma starring Prashanth of 'Orata I Love You', Pooja Gandhi and Priyanka Chandra
prasanth sanjana
Prasanth made his debut in "Orata i love you" ,in which proved his acting capacity
he was well appreciated by all reviewers and audience.
this is his second chance to make a strong remark!

Ramesh Albai who has expertise in ad films is behind the cinematography. Sriramurali is scoring the music for seven songs in the film. Muni, Vishwa, Swastik Shanker are also in the cast.
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1 comments: on "maharshi-prasanth-sanjana-pooja-gandhi"

Anil Raj said...

Whr r the Songs??????????