

Top 3 stars of 2007

Number 1 hero of the year is undoubtedly Ganesh. Hez ruling the position with back to back hits .
Some critics say that his movies win only by luck !!. Inspite of it hez been great at box office
Read more on him @
Ganesh's Movies released in 2007.
Hudugaata,Cheluvina Chithara,Krishna

Puneeth Rajkumar ranks second with two hits. 'Arasu' and 'Milana' were the films of Puneeth that were released this year. Milana didnt get the expected hype and opening but has picked to be grand hit.
Read more about him on

The third position is shared by Duniya Vijay and prajwal devraj both have been doing great .Vijay made a bang with 'Duniya', he couldn't retain the success with two other films like 'Yuga' and 'Chanda'.
Prajwal devraj has success of geleya to back him for third position

Heroines - Pooja Gandhi and Jennifer Kotwal

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